MB-01 MTB Fuente Climb Easy




This is a mountain bike version of the highclimb up to Fuente de la Reina, which is highly appreciated by connoisseurs of the region as well as road bikers. The route will lead you to beautiful and wide gravel roads, far away from traffic and the noisy city. You will be guided across the Montes de Malaga pine forests, along old ruins and into amazing viewing areas.

Distance: 43km
Elevation gain: 1141m

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Mountain bike route description

It is a round trip that starts directly in front of our shop. From the Botanical Garden of Malaga (ca. after 6km) you will climb continuously for about 14km to an altitude of 900m. Half of the trip consists of a climb throughout pine forests passing old ruins. After the climb, you will return via the same route, offering the opportunity to make a detour to the viewing point Mirador del Cochino.

After these climbs, you will finally enjoy the well-earned downhills of the Montes de Malaga.

In case this tour seems too easy for you, have a look at the more difficult version of it, MB-01 MTB Fuente Climb Pro. MTB Fuente Climb Easy is a slightly easier trip, as it is shorter. Unlike the MTB Fuente Climb Pro we shorten the last third of the climb, by cycling on asphalt.